Timeline Croatia: Back to a-b-c with BBC

Recently I visited the BBC website and came across the Editor’s Choice segment, “Timeline: Croatia” – A chronology of key events. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1097156.stm

Initially, as one does, I skimmed through it quite quickly; excited that a reputable media house such as BBC has made an effort in presenting to the public a snapshot of Croatia.

Uneasy feeling quickly took over and I began reading the Timeline again; this time with greater attention to details within it.

Bias against Croatia jumped at me.

The sugar-coating the Serbian role, even omitting most of these, in this BBC historical events account for Croatia appeared profoundly unfair and alarmingly unprofessional.

One cannot but question the motives of BBC’s writer of such a scanty and unbalanced timeline. Furthermore, since this BBC Timeline is listed under Editor’s Choice segment of BBC’s website it would seem clear that the website editor condoned and approved such a journalistic endeavour that, to me, seems focused on suppressing a great deal of Serbian terror over Croatia.

Since the BBC Timeline points out Croatian individuals indicted and convicted for war crimes perpetrated in Croatia why is it not also pointing out to the Serbs indicted and convicted for war crimes perpetrated in Croatia?

Why is the BBC Timeline omitting to give details about the democratic process through which Croatia declared its independence in early 1990’s?

Since the BBC Timeline is writing about the Kingdom of Yugoslavia why is it suppressing the facts around its formation?

Why is the BBC Timeline talking about brutality of Croatians (1941) and completely omits to talk about brutality of the Serbs (e.g.1991)?

Why is this BBC Timeline talking about a concept of  “Greater Croatia” and omitting to mention historical pursuits for “Greater Serbia”?

Among other things a timeline on a country’s key events has the capacity of strongly shaping the public’s perception and belief about a nation of people. Hence, it would only be just and fair to present such a timeline with facts, encompassing all key factors or issues covered in a timeline.

There was no turning back for me after reading the BBC’s Timeline Croatia. The necessity to write a timeline, using facts and keeping to issues or categories offered by BBC’s Timeline of Croatia, became paramount.

Whilst I do not expect the BBC to present to the world a highly detailed timeline on Croatia, or any other country for that matter, I do expect it to be factual without biased extraction of key events.

So, I have made an effort, and researched the facts into Croatia’s timeline approximately covering the period BBC covered, and inserting facts for some years for which BBC’s Timeline Croatia said nothing. Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb), B.A.,M.A.Ps. (Syd)

The results of my efforts are presented in the linked document, herein:

Timeline Croatia 1900 – 2011

A series of historical maps of Croatia follow as a point of interest:

Croatia 910-928 AD under the reign of King Tomislav

Croatia 1073

Croatia 1102

Croatia 1526

Croatia within Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918

Croatia 1941 – 1945

Croatia 1945 – 2011 (current)


  1. Dear Ina,
    Your post raises some interesting points not just regarding the BBC but your historical aspects of “Croatian territory” since AD 910.
    I’m not here to dispute this (not many people will) but what I will dispute is the fact they most so called “Croatian territory” was succeeded to the Austrian Hungarian empire by the Sabor at the time, without and organised armed resistance.
    In regards to the BBC slant towards the serbian side, I have never really given much credibility to the bbc/cnn views when it comes to reporting about the balkans.
    Anything pre-tito, these organisations struggle with.

    • History can be such fun, but I guess not the favourite of pastimes. Were it not for imperialistic endeavours of days long past many nations wouldn’t have an axe to grind? On the topic of Austro-Hungarian empire, history records do tell us that there was a great deal of opposition to Austrian/Hungarian options in Croatia. One example is that the celebrated Croatian Ante Starcevic [founder of Croatian Party of Rights at the time] was imprisoned in 1862 for his sharp condemnation of the Austrian administration. But yes, big fish eat little fish it would seem, struggle would have been futile?

  2. Ante Zanetic says:

    What can you expect from the UK politicians and the UK newsmedia toward the Croatian State and Croatian people. The inquiry, led by Judge Brian Leveson about hacking and dishonesty of the UK media toward British people, nothing surprised me about BBC and UK newsmedia, the bent organisations without any respect for the truth I can say.

  3. Hilary Clinton is trying to raise money in US for support of their propaganda machine since Al Jazeera, Chinese, even Russians started their own propaganda in English and other then their own languages. While doing so she said they are loosing battle on that front and mentioned that BBC is making cuts as well and something needs to be done to get out again their point of view, just as they did in the past.

    No one will do it for us if we do not do that ourselves since, they will push their own agenda(s) regardless of the truth, suffering and consequences for those who are not dear to them, for one or another reason. Problem is how to do that when someone with track record like Pusic is now going to become minister of foreign affairs.

    P.S. Found out about your blog through B.B. and like it.
    P.S. II, if you need suggestion about stopping some of the spam I see in you comments section, do no hesitate to contact me 🙂

  4. Huh thanks! Must be my spellcheck isn’t functioning? I thought I did pretty well in the spelling department, but there you go – one never knows.

  5. Thanks MJ. It was an inadvertent error in labelling etc. Now corrected, So grateful for your keen eye.

  6. I really like this blog, interesting history. Losing territory like that has got to be painful, but at least the coastline still remains. Anything imported through Suez can offload at Croatia and be sent straight into the Industrial bases of Southern Germany.


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