Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and that it be filled with good and joyous moments throughout!

Thank you all on your support!

I recall a wise saying by Croatian Blessed Alojzije Stepinac regarding building and keeping a free nation and decades after these principles are still valid for all the Christian world and beyond.

“We must warn and teach everywhere that the holy rapture and noble delight in building the foundations of the young State of Croatia should be inspired by the fear of God and love for God’s law and His commandments, because only on God’s law, and not on the false principles of this world, will the State of Croatia be able to be built on a solid foundation.” Alojzije Stepinac

In the Croatian language: “Moramo svuda upozoravati i učiti, da sveti zanos i plemenito oduševljenje u izgrađivanju temelja mlade Države Hrvatske bude nadahnut strahom Božjim i ljubavlju za Božji zakon i njegove zapovijedi, jer će samo na Božjem zakon, a ne na lažnim načelima ovoga svijeta Država Hrvatska moći biti izgrađena na čvrstom temelju.” Alojzije Stepinac

Blessings to all throughout the year. Ina Vukic


  1. Happy New Year to you too! 🙂

  2. Maryann Segal says:

    Great quote. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023!

  3. Dear Ina,
    Happy New 2023 Year!

  4. Happy Hogmanay 😊

  5. Sretna Nova Godina Ina!!! X

  6. Happy New Year to you and yours

  7. Happy New Year!

  8. thank you very much for reading my article,
    i wish you a wonderful year 🎍❗🐬🎸

  9. I wish you all a happy new year much more success and of course health. All the best. thank you for your visit.(nz)

  10. Happiness & Health in The New Year! 🙅😴🛌🕛

  11. Happy New Year to you!


  12. Happy New year dear Ina.

  13. Feliz Ano Novo!!!


  15. Happy New Year to you Ina!

  16. <3

  17. Happy New Year, Ina 🤗

  18. Happy Peaceful Healthy New year. Wish you the most of everything. God bless .

  19. Happy New Year

  20. La mulți ani! 🥂😘☃☘🤗🎄

  21. Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Year🪷

  23. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Bonne Annee! And Merry Christmas season since the 12 Days of Christmas are still going…

  24. Americaoncoffee says:

    May this year be the breakthrough against evil in our governments. Peace love and blessings to you Inavukic.

  25. Happy New Year!

  26. Same to you my friend

  27. Thanking you also dearest Ina, for your love and dedication to your passion and to your beloved Croatia.

    Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR Ina,, Sending Love, Peace and Happiness your way..
    And thank YOU, for your valued friendship x
    Much love Sue xx

  28. Ina, for the new year I wish you that some dreams come true, some new ones come true and some old ones stay alive!
    Happy New Year!

  29. Happy New Year, Ina! 🎉

  30. Most beautiful 😍😘

  31. To the Blessing I say Amen.

    To you and yours I wish you a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year.

  32. Thanks dear 😍😘


  1. […] Happy New Year! […]

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