Croatia’s Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic – Communist Wolf in Democratic Sheep’s Skin

Protest against Croatia's Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic - Sydney March 10th 2014

Protest against Croatia’s Prime Minister
Zoran Milanovic – Sydney March 10th 2014

On his non-official visit to Australia (from 9 March) Croatia’s Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic was met with a total ban of access to Croatian clubs and vast majority of Australian-Croatian community organisations. The Croatian community by a vast and landslide majority rejected to see him, to host any of his appearances bar the Croatian studies centre at the Macquarie University where he appeared to witness the signature to a funding agreement between the Croatian government and Macquarie University on the basis of which Croatia would fund $750,000 over five years for Croatian studies there. It’s important to know that Croatian studies at this university was founded in early 1980’s using significant funds raised by the local Croatian community.

In Sydney.  On Monday 10 March, a peaceful but loud rally was held against Croatia’s Prime Minister’s visit to Australia by members of the Croatian community. The placards conveyed the messages such as: “Milanovic Tito’s Puppet”, “Milanovic Not Welcome” “Milanovic is a disgrace” etc. and the verbal messages conveyed at the rally are listed below in this post. Those who turned up at the rally on that Monday were not many as it was a working day for most people but some fifty people did turn up to serve as the Croatian community’s mouthpiece (for at least 50,000 in Sydney gravitating to clubs, churches, community associations etc.) – to ensure that the silent protest against Milanovic by the vast majority was heard loud and clear. And it was! SBS World News program covered it.

When interviewed by SBS TV World News Milanovic was on the defensive so much so that he had no difficulties in assuming he knows all about the people who were rejecting to receive him in the Croatian community. He said that those people have lived in “isolation” (still live in the WWII past etc.). He said that his government had nothing to do with political persecutions that had forced many Croats to emigrate to Australia.

“ Many people came to Australia as victims of political persecution or come from such families and I can understand that, but I wasn’t the one who persecuted them. Those times have passed. My government is liberal and social democratic and by no means Titoist or Communist. I have nothing to do with that, unlike some people from the opposite political camp. I think that some people here live in the past too much,” Milanovic said in an interview with the Australian public broadcasting network SBS.

Sydney 10th March 2014 Protest against Croatia's Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic

Sydney 10th March 2014 Protest against
Croatia’s Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic

And so Milanovic, just like a well seasoned communist, went on the attack against those Croatians in Australia who protested against him and totally ignored the reasons why the rallies and protests occurred and these include:

his government’s appalling treatment of Homeland War victim’s rights and of war veterans,

his government’s utter rejection of 700,000 signatures (out of possible 3 million voters!) for a referendum on Vukovar to be declared a place of special piety,

his government’s persecution of several individual activists,

his government’s inaction in processing communist crimes,

his government’s rejection and battle against extraditing to Germany of a suspected communist criminal (regarding murders by Yugoslav communist secret police of Croats abroad)…

No Mr Zoran Milanovic – Australian Croatians never have and never will live in isolation! Their protests in Australia were all about what is currently occurring in Croatia that deserves worldwide condemnation!

Milanovic took a bitter issue with being branded “Tito’s puppet” by the Croatian community in Sydney and he said on SBS TV: “Some people here are labelling me as a Tito’s puppet, which couldn’t be more ridiculous. I never served in the Communist Police, which many of my political opponents did. I was never a member of the Communist Party.”

Well, well of course Milanovic was never a member of the communist party – he is too young for that! Communist party dissolved in Croatia in 1990 and was re-branded as “Croatian League of Communists”, which was later re-branded again into “Social Democratic Party” of which Milanovic is the president! And when one pays a closer look at his politics and actions in politics the stench of communism is always present regardless of his rhetoric! In fact, Milanovic was a member of the communist party all his adult life it seems – he chose the communist-at-heart-SDP and not any other (more modern) political party to be a member of.

Sydney 10 March 2014 protest against Croatia's  Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic

Sydney 10 March 2014 protest against Croatia’s
Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic

The only way Milanovic could convince anyone that he is not a communist would include active pursuit of lustration, active pursuit of condemning communist crimes and active pursuit of a public apology to the Croatian community by him, his former SDP colleague president of Croatia Ivo Josipovic and the former president Stjepan Mesic for vilifying the diaspora so! Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)


  1. There is a need for options for voters. At least one Democratic candidate. Hugs, Barbara

  2. Oh I hope all will go well for your people and country!

    • Thanks Ann, all will go well it’s just that it takes more work to get there than in a democratically established country that has no communist past or totalitarian past. Cheers

  3. therealamericro says:

    Great post.

    Zit Farm shows up in Australia with a) No agreement to end double-taxation b) No agenda to push the end of double-taxation – and he wants a warm welcome?

    He mentions Pavelic but ignores the fact that a) As PM and if he had any PR sensibilities, he’d simply dodge any such questions, not go out of his peasant way and push the issue publicly b) Tito pictures are unfortunately still across Croatia and in the case of the Ambassador to France, the Ambassador (who didn’t speak French at the time of his nomination) has the genocidal yugo-locksmith’s portrait on his wall.

    His government has absolutely no plan whatsoever to stimulate or incentivize Croatian diaspora returns or investment, and expects a warm welcome.

    What a disgrace.

    • Thanks therealamericro – your addition to my points for protest is spot on. Milanovic is a disgrace that’s for sure – instead of trying to repair the damage they’ve made in relations with diaspora he comes to the diaspora driving the wedges deeper, just as well the diaspora knows how to show it’s love for Croatia and drive people like him away

    • gensoholičar says:

      LOL ziher ce ti neki hrvatski političar ukinuti ili smanjiti neki porez…

      Porezi su u hrvatskoj najveca svetinja…. kaj ne vidis da zatvaramo kafiće i pekarne jer imaju 3 kune viška u kasi….LOL

      Moju su pekaru zatvorili na 3 tjedna jer je neka mutava inspektorica zaboravili uzeti sa pulta račun…..

      Bez računa se ne računa…….

      • Translation of comment by gensoholicar in reply to therealamericro: LOL for sure will some politician cut or reduce taxes…Taxes are the biggest sanctity in Croatia…don’t you see that we are closing cafes and bakeries because they have 3 kunas of surplus in their cash registers…LOL. They closed my bakery for 3 weeks because some dumb inspector forgot to take the receipt from the bench …counting is not done without receipts …

  4. ZvonimirŠeparović says:

    Bravo Ina, dobro si ga oprala, on je pravi huligan međunarodne politike.

    • Translation of Zvonimir Separovic comment: Bravo Ina, you have scrubbed him well, he is a real hooligan of international politics.

      REPLY: Thank you Zvonimir Separovic – it is such an honour to receive your comment – because your long experience in international and national politics is of highest standards!

  5. Thanks Aussie Croats! Is there a formal document of grievances that can be “officially” presented to Milanovic as souvenir of his visit to Oz? It would be interesting if an official from the Australian government/parliament, like an MP elected from a district with a high Croatian population, could formally give this list of grievances to Milanovic. Then the government would have to respond diplomatically and publicly.

    • Great idea Sunman and by now the Australian politicians are aware of the community’s grievances both through national TV coverage of protest and through individual approaches so we wait and see – I for one will not stand idly and allow Milanovic or anyone for that matter to insult decent people with lies and half-truths without doing something about it even if at times it’s a release of information etc

  6. At least one group of croats from the diaspora that knows what they are actually dealing with and are not blinded by his lies and mistruths. Keep strong Australian diaspora.

  7. Bravo Ina, vrsno u domoljubnom politickom i spisateljskom pogledu, hvala za sve sto pisete,toplo,Marija Ljubic

    • Translation of Marija Ljubic comment: Bravo Ina, competent from patriotic, political and journalistic view, thank you for everything you write, warmly, Maria Ljubic.
      REPLY: Thank you very much on your feedback Marija Ljubic. Much appreciated. Warm regards to you too!

  8. What a “reception” – it says much about his past actions and present policies.

  9. Stephen Jelicic says:

    Dear Professor Vukic

    Thank you for succinctly articulating the vile position this man has taken.

    I am not politically active, nor do I profess to understand the machinations of Croatian politics. However, I do understand something is seriously wrong when two fundamental matters are not addressed in favour of the Croatian people; Vukovar and extradition of criminals.

    I’m not sure if Milanovic thought that funding Croatian Studies at Macquarie Uni, was some sort of panacea to win over Australian Croatians.

    Still, let’s take his $750,000 but I ask why has the Croatian Studies Program not embarked on an effective campaign to secure their financial future. Why be potentially beholden to the regime of the day?

    My late father was intimately involved with this process 30+ years ago, working with colleagues in the Hrvatska Znanstvena Zaklada, and instrumental in building a fund that would make the chair of Croatian studies, self funding.

    Am I wrong in assuming that it is time that those that derive a benefit from the chair, undertake activity to leave a viable legacy for the next generation?


    Steve Jelicic

    • Well said Stephen Jelicic – there was ample opportunity to develop the Croatian studies into a mainstream subject in Australia, after all, the demand for it or potential demand was always there when one looks at the size of the population one could draw students from. It could well be that the seeming comfort zone it has enjoyed by being “spoon-fed” with funds actually worked against the idea of developing a self-sustainable studies within the Australian education system. This way one cannot avoid the impression that it’s there temporarily and always has been perhaps to sustain individual careers to retirement age? When the community secured all those funds and established the Croatian language studies it was a historic move particularly knowing that Serbo-Croatian was still on the agenda …

  10. Peter Ivan says:

    Sounds like fascist sour grapes the ridiculous criticism of Milanovic. Europe was destroyed by Fascism .

    • It sounds to me Peter Ivan YOU are the one carrying sour grapes and you are the one with fascism in his/her chest for it seems facts and the right to comment on them and criticism do not factor in your scheme of things

  11. Svasta... says:

    Svasta. Nije li ovo pljuvanje na Hrvatski narod u domovini? Nije li Hrvatski narod odabrao stranku koja danas vlada i sve koje ste naveli? Onda sta je ako nije to? Drugo, nema li narod Hrvatske odabranu zastavu voljom naroda? … IZBRISANO ZBOG IZOSTANKA DOKAZA ZA TVRDNJE … Ne dam ime, jer toliko je ovdje extrema da se pitam i pitam odakle…

    • Translation of comment by Svasta: Is this not spitting on the Croatian people in the homeland? Did the Croatian nation not choose the party that is today in government and all whom you have listed? Secondly, has the Croatian nation not got its chosen flag by the will of its people … DELETED DUE TO LACK OF CORROBORATION OF CLAIMS MADE … I am not giving my name because there are a lot of extremes and I ask and ask from where do they come from…

      REPLY: Well, Svasta one thing is crystal clear: YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT DEMOCRACY NOR DO YOU WANT DEMOCRACY TO THRIVE IN CROATIA! Yes the government was voted in but NOT by all the Croatian people, indeed the majority vote was not that great. This is NOT A COMMUNIST STATE that A GOVERNMENT STAYS IN POWER FOREVER! Criticism of a government or politician based on facts is a HEALTHY practice and indeed in Australia and other Western democracies it is encouraged but you seem to think that rules of democracy do not apply to Zoran Milanovic and his government! Well, they do and you would be wise to actually read the article’s part on why the protest against him was organised in Sydney!

      • gensoholičar says:

        He doesnt think that anyone should be allowed to criticize his Dear Leader…..

        A majority of Croatians DIDNT vote for Milanovic or the EU but thats what we got…..

      • Yes I am aware of that gensoholicar and it just means that the ones who don’t want certain politicians to get in and don’t bother to vote will just have to get off their back sides at elections and vote, that way the recruitment of votes along party lines will be much weaker in effect 😀

    • Svasta, bad governments getting voted in is absolutely nothing new. People voted SDP because of their disenchantement of HDZ due to Mesic’s political manipulations. Sadly, as it turned out, this current government isn’t of much use either and people have EVERY right to be upset at the various shortcomings and make their opinions known. The diaspora has as much to complain about as those living in Croatia. Believe it or not, we have family struggling to get by each day and we would like to see the day when those who forced us out of our homes, be held accountable. Protests are a normal part of any democracy. This is what should happen, unless you’d prefer for people to be beaten down and shut up like in good old communism? The only extreme I see is you coming to extreme conclusions. Ina’s article isn’t very difficult to read, please try again.

  12. Svasta... says:

    Whow, you’ve deleted part of my post and posted this instead: “DELETED DUE TO LACK OF CORROBORATION OF CLAIMS MADE”. Well my dear, I suggest you make a walk to the Cro Club at Footscray in Melb and see for yourself the statue which you’re obviously ignoring as non existing but it is real.hard.fact. You’re even insulting me and everyone else on your path who is not agreeing with your views and you call for a democracy? Whow. You just proved your democratic methods.

    • Now that’s better Svasta – you have given one example although I have not seen the statue you speak of I will allow this as others may be in the position to check. On the other hand it’s quite curious that you don’t mention statues of Tito who was the greatest murderer of all! So if you are a democrat then you will allow people to express themselves as law of the country permits. We may not like how someone expresses themselves but they have the right to it and it’s up to others to make up their mind what they think…

  13. Reblogged this on Fabián.

  14. It is not truth that it is petitioned for referendum on Vukovar to be declared a place of special piety. It is demanded that ethnic minorities (Serbs, Italians, Hungarians,…) can achieve rights for using their language, alhabeth… only if they particiate in particular area with more than 50% of population, which is demand in the wake of values 18th or 19th century.
    You are not objective in other claims too.

    • Sorry to disappoint you Jakow Andabakow but the questions that were and are announced for people to answer at the planned referendum are as follows:
      1. Do they agree that the threshold for the introduction of bilingualism be raised to 50% of ethnic minority population?
      2. Do they agree that Vukovar be declared as a place of special piety?
      3. Do they agree that persons who had participated in the aggression be banned from working in public service?

      So please do restrain yourself. This blog is all bout truth and opinion on that truth. I have written about the referendum on this blog a few times as in October 2013 etc etc. And for your information the 50% representation benchmark is current in countries of EU and people in Croatia suggest that Croatia should follow suit. So the content of the article regarding facts is factual and objective and the opinion expressed about those facts is an opinion – it seems that you fail to see the difference between facts and opinion and opinion is of course that to which people relate to as well as to the facts.

    • Jakow Andabakow, actually if you bother to check the facts Ina refers to they are all spot on and objective and her opinion part is also spot on! All the facts are verifiable from the history of Milanovic’s SDP in essence arising from communist party roots and SDP has never distanced itself from communist roots and ideals although at times one might feel that they make progress on that account but then slip right back, Ina’s quotes of what Milanovic said on TV are spot on and public, Ina’s claims of why protests occurred are spot an as they have been in media and there are recordings from the Sydney protest, the facts that Milanovic is banned from clubs’s premises is spot on… take you intolerance of democratic opinion elsewhere, I suggest

    • gensoholičar says:

      this is just another waste of Croatian taxpayers money

      if you live in Croatia….. your language is Croatian… you can speak whatever language you want but the official language is CROATIAN….

      why was this even included in the constitution?

      • That’s the way the “language cookie crumbles” in all developed democracies when it comes to the official language and I don’t see anything wrong with that, however, the government has the responsibility to make available important information in community languages or the languages of minorities in order to make access to government services fair for all taxpayers…. but hey, Croatian democracy has a great deal to travel before it reaches the street and everyday life.

  15. Svasta... says:

    Well, I did mention some of it which you’ve deleted, right? So, tell me my dear, how many statues of Tito were built in Croatia in the last 20 years by anyone ie SDA? None. How many of p.oglavnik in Australia? Even one is too much and is significantly damaging Croatian image in the World. Don’t you think? Just imagine what would happen if this was built in Zagreb in 2008 (like in Melb).
    When talking about commies and crimes committed by them, I agree. They should apologize. I do not have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is that followers of p.oglavnik should apologize to Croatian people (and others), as well. Let them come forward. Again, if p.oglavnik statue was built here, there must be some followers right? For sure they have a right in a democracy to built whatever, but do they actually know who he was? Do they really? Milanovic or any other HR official should never ever place a foot in this premises anyway. So, he was spot on, some ppl live in a past in AU.

    • No Svasta, your original comment did not specify places or clubs. By your reasoning then the Tito Square in Zagreb, Tito’s statues in Croatia etc should have come down a long time ago! Had the communists including SDP acted upon that and condemned communist crimes then perhaps things would be different. The individuals of WWII regime in Croatia who committed crimes in the Nazi-collaboration sphere have been convicted, monuments to their victims have been raised, museums erected etc etc but the same has not happened for crimes committed by communists. Perhaps when the latter happens things will get better. So, why should followers of poglavnik apologise if the followers of Tito don’t? Milanovic was banned from all the Croatian clubs in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra where he came and it was not his choice. It is he and his government who live in the past – the past of communism and you simply cannot accuse a club in Melbourne for living in the past and not do the same for Milanovic and his party who have never distanced themselves from communism and indeed pursue similar beliefs and practices that were prevalent in the totalitarian past.

      • Well said, Ina. It is the hypocrisy of Yugonostalgics that gets on our nerves. They continue to live in the past, glorifying that horrific regime and insulting every victim, not just in Croatia, but even worldwide. They blatantly get away with it, while throwing mud on Croatian conservatives/right-wingers and anyone who opposes them, by calling us “fascists” and accusing us of living in the past and glorifying Pavelic. They, of course, do this to detract attention away from their own worship of Tito and obviously because it is the only they can, in their own sick minds, justify their ideals. They need to make us look like the enemy of freedom and human rights, and what better way to do that than bring up the old fascism boogeyman, to make it seem like 99.9% of Croats still love Pavelic and it is only with his help that we can move on from the past?

        No one should apologise for ANYTHING until Milanovic apologises to every Croatian for his continual destruction of the economy, free speech, justice for victims of communism, justice for victims of the Homeland war, rights for veterans of the Homeland war, etc, etc. (And then resigns, along with Pusic and all their cronies). Communist apologists like Milanovic have destroyed almost every facet of Croatian society and stopped the progress that was meant to be in place since the end of the war. Croats – whether in Croatia or the diaspora – do not owe him an apology for anything. He doesn’t belong in our clubs and it is not because we happen to be poglavnik worshipers, but it is because he is a two-faced, Croatia-hating, lying, scheming, incompetent, useless piece of shit. He doesn’t belong in the same room as people who understand the value of freedom, hard work and personal responsibility. He doesn’t belong in a country whose freedom was paid for with blood.

      • The fact that the diaspora is full of Croats who did not want to be Yugoslavs, who did not nor do they celebrate Pavelic or Tito, is something Milanovic and his communists choose to ignore and then put everyone into the fascist basket because to do otherwise it would mean admitting that communism chased away from their homes more than any regime in history! We must be strong and fight back – we stay, he is going!

  16. I am not trying to be Milanovic’s lawyer, but even if these alleged requirements of protesters are met by Milanovic’s goverment he would still be unwanted guest for Aussie Croats simply becouse he is not nacionalist or populist.
    Fact is if there was lustration done in Croatia than Franjo Tudjman would be one of the first on list to lustrate (becouse he was comunist and had rank of general) so that is one of main reasons why we did not have one, besides that we needed every posible person to help defending our country in 90ies.

    • You are quite wrong Jakow Andabakow when it comes to whom the diaspora would welcome. You only need to look back to early 1990’s into the unity of all diaspora (the clubs with NDH insignia and those with Yugoslav one etc) all in the name of Croatia. The problem is that Croatia, led by communist Stjepan Mesic, strayed from the path to democracy and reconciliation started by Tudjman … Mesic painted ALL diaspora nationalist when it started revealing his rotten dealings and hypocrisy … so don’t come here thinking you know everything – there are more Croatians in diaspora who neither followed NDH nor Yugoslavia than you can imagine. Tudjman distanced himself from communism and condemned its regime, which cannot be said for SDP and it is sad to see now that many of those who worked with him did so for personal gain and not so much for Croatian democracy …

      • Ina you are unnecessarily obsessed with “comunists” and you should know that Tudjman had not much of democratic values. We all remember when oposition coalition won majority of votes on local elections in Zagreb, but he did not approve results.
        We didn’t had free media under Tudjman’s regime and he even interfered in soccer championship outcomes.

      • Jakow Andabakow, I am not obsessed about communism as much as I am obsessed with communist crimes for victims’ sake. I wonder how much you take into consideration the war circumstances in Croatia and indeed the last piece of Serb occupied Croatian territory was returned just about one year before Tudjman’s passing – sadly – for if he had lived he would continue along the path he set out on in his speeches and documents of 1990 and 1991 +. In his time there was much free press so free that it was obscene the lies some of the “yellow” press like Feral Tribune then Nacional, Slobodna Dalmacija etc published against him – Stjepan Mesic made sure there was free press where he could mount his lies…

    • I don’t understand where you’re getting your information from, because Tudjman started conflicting with communists long before he was President. He was thrown out of the communist party for “nationalism”, and jailed for being part of the Croatian Spring in the 70s. So no, he would not have been affected by lustration processes as he cut his ties with communism long before the 90s. Or rather, communists ousted him because his support a pro-Croatian ideology threatened their power and his experiences with the party showed him just how two-faced and oppressive the ideology is.

      What is it with all these misinformed people commenting on the blog lately?

  17. This man is a snake and has no clue about diaspora – how dare he make a comment if Aussie Croats living in isolation. I hope he plans a visit to Canada – he will most certainly get the same kind of reception. Great post Ina, as always.

    • Didi – snake would seem to be too kind a word – he is simply awful and makes no initiatives to heal the wounds of Croatian people… he is the one living in isolation, which he has built around himself

  18. gensoholičar says:

    i can understand the outrage at milanovic being that he is a marixist leninist and thats how he was brought up…. but what i dont understand is how the Croatian diaspora in Australia seems to support the other marxist leninist party HDZ…..

    Under the leadership of BOTH HDZ and SDP Croatia has become a country where 70% of people live off the government while the other 30% work only to pay taxes….

    If thats not a socialist-communist country then i dont know what is

    • If you look closer gensoholicar, you might find that the diaspora is pluralistic when it comes to support of various political parties in Croatia… diaspora supported HDZ as the national movement to create a democratic Croatia, it could not bar a few, of course, support SDP or the League of Communists who did not want secession from communist Yugoslavia. Very easy to understand really especially because in diaspora you have mostly emigrants who fled Yugoslavia or emigrated because they did not want to be Yugoslavs and those who fled for political reasons associated with WWII are a minority in diaspora. You also need to understand that only a minor section or perhaps 20% or a bit more of Croats in diaspora actually frequent clubs etc – but when the war broke out everyone lent a hand to help create independent Croatia. I agree with you that both major political parties in Croatia have failed to develop the democracy that should have been and perhaps the people in Croatia will wake up and hold them to account as we would say in diaspora: “SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT!”

      • gensoholičar says:

        I wrote seems because thats what the political elites and media in Croatia tell me… but thank you for clarifying

        I think that its going to be very hard becuase of the socialist-communist mentality left by the previous regime and then nurtured by the current regimes….

      • “Life was not meant to be easy after communism” gensoholicar but hopefully with persistence of this generation the next might just have the opportunities in life that are enjoyed elsewhere in developed democracies.

  19. I have to congratulate you for your wonderful blogs, I enjoy reading them. Bravo!

  20. As far as Milanovic is concerned, his fault is that he is an ineffective leader. He has poor judgement and does not know anything about economics, business, military, finance or for that matter history. He is also a poor manager who does not know how to properly manage situations, people or the country. He is naive and is a poor defender of Croatia and its values. He and Vesna Pusic will be the ruin of Croatia…Serbia is not our partner, never has been, they are our competitor at best and at worst our mortal enemy…they have never been and will never be a friend…they are occupiers. Croatia look away from Serbia. And BTW, the comment that in every country their should only be one official language is spot on. Anything else a country does for it’s minorities is a bonus and a good will gesture, but shouldn’t be an expectation of official sanctum.

    • Especially all that regarding Serbia goes while they play deaf, blind and dumb to what they do and have done to others, Sunman.

      • We need a government that will strongly and actively go on the offensive to defend our interests. The Serbs actively and without question or doubt pursue their interests and the ultimate victory of Greater Serbia – no matter the means; peaceful or aggressive. Serbs are learning from the Crimea and Russia (I hope Croatia is too). I wouldn’t be surprised that the Serbs are planning a refugee based referendum on the independence of Krajina. Yes, it’s twisted but everything they do is twisted. Worse some political elites in Europe (people like Carl Bilt) who in their liberal democratic zeal will find some sort of legitimacy in the approach. Have a read of this article…if there is a video and it comes out maybe it will be a turning point for our stupid, selfish, naive and self loathing Croatian political elites:

      • Scary thought, Sunman, the only difference is that Crimea once belonged to Russia and Croatia/Krajina never belonged to Serbia, Serbs were brought there to live either from running from the Ottoman invaders or brought there by Austro-Hungarian authorities to fight against their advance and in turn they were given land by the Croatian “masters”at the time who were not Croatian at all!

  21. very interesting to read how active and vocal the Croatian community is in Australia. I hoe when I go to Australia this summer (fingers crossed I get to go) that i can learn further about the different ethnic group dynamics there. I don’t’ get to read much about it other than your blogs and a few others 🙂

  22. ZvonimirŠeparović says:

    Vrijedi procitati

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