Portrait of Josip Broz Tito
Head of former communist Yugoslavia
Portrait title “Josip Groz Tito” by Charles Billich

In the USA the radical far-left group Antifa has been using threats and violence to suppress conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, and capitalists for months, and finally, a state has officially labeled them a terrorist group. On June 12, New Jersey became the first state in the country to label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization with the state office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. “Anti-fascist groups, or “Antifa,” are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices,” the office’s website details.

Croatia would also do well if it declared as terrorists the antifascists denying communist crimes. In Croatia, the antifascist – antifa – organisation/s operate under legally based registration and cannot, therefore, be classified as anarchists. However, their expressed speeches charged with fundamental denials and justification of mass-scale communist crimes during and post-WWII without doubt are designed to incite anarchy, social divisions and violence or aggression particularly targeting those who seek justice for the victims of communist crimes and de-communisation of the country’s public administration and affairs.

Viewing the antifascists’ acts and public displays from a criminological, rather than ideological, perspective offers some provocative insights into the minds of those protecting the communist fighters of WWII and after it, who labeled themselves as antifascist fighters in order to conceal their heinous acts against humanity under the umbrella of the worldwide revered name of “antifascism”.

Studies have shown that criminals/terrorists commonly use five techniques to justify their heinous acts – allowing them to effectively neutralise their guilt. Croatia’s antifascists, former communists and many of their offspring, do just that even to this day.

The first recourse in neutralising the guilt for crimes is the “denial of responsibility”. In this way, criminals/terrorists might refer to forces beyond their control, relieving them of responsibility for their criminal actions. This was and is utmost loyalty to the communist party and its oppressive, fear mongering, tyrannical structure of power, resting on personality cult and political elitism. Communist purges under Josip Broz Tito in former Yugoslavia saw hundreds of targeted assassinations of non-communist inclined Croats and hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths buried in multitudes of unmarked mass graves and pits. Innocent Croats – killed like flies. To this day Croatian antifascists deny any responsibility for those deaths and continue justifying them by calculatingly and wrongfully accusing those they slaughtered of being fascists.

Second, criminals/terrorists employ “denial of injury” to justify violence. Communists causing harm and injury through cruel acts evidently believed that their actions will not have consequences to themselves since their cruelty would lead them to a better world – akin to paradise on Earth – under the rule and power of communism. Today’s antifascists in Croatia perpetuate the rhetoric of how just and mighty communist Yugoslavia was. This denial persists to this day as it is in no significant and objective way addressed by the modern-day antifascists of Croatia. No reality checks, whatsoever.

The criminals/terrorists also use a technique called “denial of the victim”. For zealots, the population in Croatia that did not subscribe to communism deserved and deserves punishment and death; any injury is just retaliation for their hatred of communists or antifascists. Many communists even considered the civilians of anti-communist predisposition as the enemy, since they supported and independent Croatia. The innocent masses buried in hundreds of pits deserved to die according to many antifascists.

The fourth tactic used by criminals/terrorists to neutralise their guilt is to “condemn the condemners”. Rather than explain their actions, terrorists attack those who disapprove of their deviance. For them, those condemners from the ranks of politicians, journalists, academics, judges, public figures, outspoken citizens and the like – are corrupted, depraved, brutal hypocrites and deviants, because they insist that communist regime was totalitarian and riddled with crimes against humanity. Thus antifascists widely employ the branding of those who fought for an independent Croatia during and after WWII as worthless beings who deserved the death that hundreds of thousands were faced with during communist purges. This neutralisation technique allows criminals to shrug off denunciation of their actions by questioning those segments of society that critique communist crimes/terrorism.

Finally, terrorists appeal to “higher loyalties” to explain their crimes. Social control may be neutralised by sacrificing the demands of larger society for the demands of smaller social groups to which the terrorists belong, such as antifascists. Antifascists keep pounding on how the communists/antifascists liberated the Croatian people in WWII, regardless of the fact that any liberation had to do with maintaining Yugoslavia as a conglomerate or federation of different states as opposed to independence of the Croatian state and nation. Communists made promises of brotherhood and friendship within Yugoslavia and forced a notion of brotherhood by purging – murdering – masses that wanted nothing to do with that ill-founded brotherhood. Today, Croatian antifascists even have the hide to claim credit for the independence of today’s Croatian state. A claim most fowl.

Denial of communist crimes in Croatia maintains and deepens the widespread fear of an emergence of yet another communist-like rule and in that prevents the development of mainstream solidarity with the independence and democracy Croats fought for in the 1990’s. The political and, therefore, economic prosperity of the country have been at an impasse for more years than I want to count and this must change – the scales must turn towards that for which Croatia fought: away from communist mindset and practices in public administration and affairs.

Much of this boils down to persistent, mindless denial of justice to victims of communist crimes by Croatian antifascists and this is – terrorism. Ina Vukic


  1. Jučer smo razgovarali o posljeratnom teroru koji je provodio dotični ‘drug’. Iznio sam i zanimljivost kroz svoju digresiju. Radilo se o Josifu Visarionoviču Džugašvili – Staljinu, doživotnom diktatoru SSSR-a (točnije od 1928. – 1953.)
    Svojim je čistkama i nasilnom industrijalizacijom i nacionalizacijom pobio, i to nakon rata pa sve do svoje smrti 1953. godine, oko 20 milijuna ljudi u SSSR-u, gotovo koliko i nacisti za vrijeme 2. svjetskog rata, većinu njih u gulazima, od kojih tri do pet milijuna Ukrajinaca. Poznat je po svojoj izjavi “Smrt jednog čovjeka je tragedija, smrt milijuna – statistika”. Zanimljivo je da je po njemu ime nosio i jedan zagrebački trg. Od 1945. godine zbog zasluga ‘druga Staljina’ u antifašističkoj borbi. Još zanimljivija je činjenica da ga je 1950. godine Tito promjenio u Lenjinov trg zbog kako je i sam rekao; Staljinovog ‘ponašanja’ nakon 2. svjetskog rata. Trg Kralja Petra Krešimira IV najveći je zagrebački perivojni trg, na njemu se nalazi zgrada ministarstva obrane, nekad Trgovačka akademija i Ženska stručna škola te dva, nama najljepša zagrebačka, ginkgo drveta koji su sve to vrijeme bili vjerni promatrači. Trg je ime Kralja Petra Krešimira IV, kao i svoje ginkaće, dobio još davne 1928, koje mu je vraćeno 1990. Vidite li neke poveznice?! Toliko i hvala. Z.S.

    • TRANSLATION: Yesterday, we talked about a postwar terrorism committed by a certain “comrade”. I’ve also been laid out interesting stuff in my digression. It was about Josif Visarionovich Jorgasvili-Stalin, the lifelong dictator of the USSR (more precisely, from 1928 to 1953)
      With his purges and violent industrialization and nationalization, after the war until his death in 1953, about 20 million people in the USSR, almost as much as the Nazis during World War II, most of them in the gulags, of which there were Three to five million Ukrainians. He is well known for his statement “The death of one man is a tragedy, death of millions – statistics”. Interestingly,a Zagreb square was named after him. Since 1945 due to the merit of ‘other Stalin’ in anti-fascist struggle. Even more interesting is the fact that in 1950, Tito changed to Lenin Square because of what he himself said; Stalin’s ‘behavior’ after the Second World War. Trg Kralja Petra Krešimira IV is the largest square in Zagreb, with its building of the Ministry of Defense, once the Trade Academy and Women’s School of Engineering, and the two, the most beautiful Zagreb ginkgo wood that were all the while faithful observers. The square is the name of King Peter Krešimir IV, as well as his ginkgo, got back in 1928, which was returned to it in 1990. Do you see any links ?! So much and thank you. Z. S
      Thank you Croatia Centre of Renewable Energy Sources – when it comes to murdering innocent people Tito matched Stalin for sure. What a sad waste of living Croats had to endure under communism that borrowed money it couldn’t return to prove to people how great life under communism was. Now we need to press for justice for victims of communist crimes.

  2. Our snowflake college students, many of whom subscribe to the Antifa movement here in the US, should read this! They haven’t a clue.

  3. Velebit says:

    Indeed Ina, this is terrorism – state sponsored terrorism. And for all our flag-waving, hand on the heart politicians who routinely campaign using the verbiage of the far right….grandiose nationalistic, patriotic themes…only to suddenly implement more “centrist” to leftist policies… from our first democratically elected president,Tudjman and all down the line to Grabar-Kitarovic and Plenkovic of today – they were/are all adherents and proponents of the Croatian version of “antifascism”. My goodness, Tudjman even ensconced antifascism in the Croatian constitution! Since our renewed statehood in 1990 we have not had one political power broker who was not connected, either directly or indirectly with the former Yugoslav/communist regime. They all come to the table with filthy hands. Not one politician has ever publicly, freely lustrated him/her self nor has any politician openly renounced the former regime of which they were a part. Not one had/has the courage to stand up for the rights of the victims of communism, on the contrary, they are all sitting on their hands and waiting for time to tick on in the hopes of escaping any responsibility. Is this the Croatia of our dreams and hopes? Is this the Croatia our brave soldiers who were “Za Dom Spremni!” fought and died for? Not yet.

    Za Dom Spremni!

    • Well said, Velebit!

    • Angela Babic says:

      Well said Velebit and you bring up some points that are so true. Lustracija is the only way Croatia can ‘balance the books’ and start afresh. As you quite rightly mentioned, there’s literally no politician of note in Zagreb who was not connected in some way,shape or form to the previous Yugoslav regime. As much as they wave the flag and have their hand on their heart, in whose interests are they working for? With so much corruption and most citizens of Croatia either unemployed, on social benefits and/or generally dissatisfied with the overall standard of living- the Croatia that our brave soldiers fought and died for DEFINITELY hasn’t materialised? Until the skeletons are outed and new blood can come in, the Croatia of our dreams is a long way off.

  4. Valentin says:

    Another excellent piece Ina Vukic. I think they are getting worried now and this new breed of young brainwashed fools will be singing their final swan song. Their time is nearly up and the more we expose their lies the sooner this will happen.

  5. Radilo se o Josifu Visarionoviču Džugašvili – Staljinu, doživotnom diktatoru SSSR-a (točnije od 1928. Jučer smo razgovarali o posljeratnom teroru koji je provodio dotični ‘drug’.

  6. Well spoken, very well spoken, Ina !

  7. Branimir says:

    An expose’ and open discussion in Croatia about the Crimes of Communism is well overdue.

  8. Glad to finally see someone else covering these scumbags!


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