Croatia: Reconciliation Cannot Be Achieved With Denial Of Truth And Lacking Love For Nation Of People

Ina Vukic, August 2020


Many people are asking me these days what is the reaction of the Croatian diaspora to the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of victory in Knin on August 5.

The celebration of the 25th anniversary of Operation Storm, was neither visually nor morally nor truthfully a celebration of the great and deeply sacrificial victory over the brutal and obscene Serbian or Yugoslav aggressor! What that celebration was is a false picture of the truth and reality of that time and now!

During the Homeland War, Croats and anti-Croatian Serbs did not sit together in any rows, let alone in the front row of the battlefield, but on opposite sides. On one side, aggressive brutally murderous Serbs, and on the other side, Croats whose lives were endangered in the middle of that Serbian aggression.

Then in Knin on August 5, we saw and heard General Ante Gotovina who, without a shred, without a shred of shame or embarrassment, dishes out some lesson that discipline is needed in war and in peace! Of course, this mention of discipline certainly referred to the HOS (volunteer Croatian Defence Forces), whose defenders of the Homeland War and Operation Storm  were standing at that time on the streets of Knin during the celebration of Operation Storm with police threats directed at them. Because, you see, their slogan For Homeland Ready (Za Dom Spremni), which infused courage and determination for an independent Croatia, bothers the current government of the Republic of Croatia. This slogan was decisive in the defence of the Republic of Croatia, i.e. in the establishment of independence.

Then, General Gotovina, straight-faced, gave himself the right to speak about discipline, which in this case should surely keep HOS defenders, under police pressure and threats behind the lines, the police lines, while others, undeserving others, celebrated part if not the whole victory to which they contributed, to which HOS contributed and deserve to be a part of its celebrations.

So, I have never seen such perversion anywhere in the world. That something like this should happen, that the celebration of victory should be denied to those who contributed to that victory, in national defense or in national victory.

Perversion itself!

It is not just about discriminating against HOS defenders in this case, it is about perversion against the Homeland War, perversion against victory.

HOS Veterans denied access to celebrations
of Victory/ Operation Storm
in Knin, Croatia, 5 August 2020
Photo: Screenshot

And then so that this discrimination and perversion could become even stronger or better – worse! – at almost the same time not far from Knin in Grubori, the Croatian government, that is, Serbian politics in Croatia, organised a commemoration for victims of a crime against six Serb civilians that took place some three weeks after Operation Storm. The crime was committed by individuals who, in fact, with that act of crime violated the policy of the Croatian defence, the policy of Franjo Tuđman, the policy of Gojko Šušak, also now deceased. So, this commemoration in addition to the victory celebration in Knin was simply planned in order to diminish the value and the validity of the victory of Operation Storm. That’s why they sent Tomo Medved (Deputy Prime Minister) there. The appearance of Tomo Medved in Grubori at the commemoration for the victims of a crime committed by disobedient individuals who violated the policies and orders of the Croatian defence. This appearance by Tomo Medved there undoubtedly symbolises also that the top of Croatia wants to attribute this crime committed by individuals to the overall Croatian defence in the Homeland War. And that is nothing else but an another step in equalising the victim and aggressor in the Homeland War.

So, a perversion, perversion which I and I believe many others have not experienced before.

What courage against the Croatian people!

But, all this said, Croatian diaspora was before the Homeland War, during the Homeland War and after the Homeland War “For Homeland Ready” and for God and Croatia,  democratic Croatia, ready!

Some will say that by organising the celebration of 25th Anniversary of the magnificent victory over the brutal Serb aggressor in Knin at almost the same time they organised the commemoration for the victims of crime against six Serb civilians that occurred in the nearby village of Grubore, three weeks after the victorious Operation Storm, is good for reconciliation! Well, my professional opinion derived from my substantial training and experience as a Psychologist, tell me that nothing can be further from the truth. Firstly, the killing of the six Serb civilians occurred on 25 August 1995, twenty days after this Serb-occupied Croatian territory was liberated by Operation Storm, and the commemoration should have been planned for that date! Secondly, the ICTY Appeals Tribunal (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) in the Hague had, in its Judgment in the Gotovina & Markac case, in November 2012, stated that “the state and military leadership had no role in their planning and creation” of this crime. So, why join the commemoration for these victims with the glorious victory of Operation Storm!? Utter perversion and political manipulation in the lame efforts to achieve reconciliation between the Serb aggressor and Croatians whom they attacked, perhaps? But here is the reality: one cannot achieve reconciliation through the denial of truth nor through lacking love for one’s people! And the current government with its Serb minority elected coalition clearly possess both of these characteristics that are not reconciliation-friendly: denial of truth and lacking love for the Croatian nation. Ina Vukic

Below is the video in the Croatian language with English subtitles that I have made with the above record of distressing happenings in Croatia around the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of Operation Storm. Please visit!



  1. Thanks for you video explaining this! Such an insult to those who risked all for our country! To not even Be able to celebrate or remember!! Appalling!

    • Very appalling, very distressing, Anna. A distressing example of how difficult it is to transition from communism into democracy. Croatia is feeling the punishment for daring to fight for freedom! Just awful. But, our strength is mighty and patience amazing!

  2. Draga i vrla Hrvatice,puno Vm hvala na ovome izvrstnom članku. Vi ste uzor mure I rodoljubn Hrvatice. Bio hij još sretniji da imamo mnogo više Hrvatica da tako s ponosom ističu parvo I potrebu Hrvatskog Narod da slavi svaku pobjedu hrvtsk vojske svih vrijemena u povijesti Hrvatskog naroda.

    Samo naprijed do još veće pobjede kada ćemo srbske zlovince vratiti u Srviju s onu stranu Drine.

    Srdačan pozdrav: Sve za Hrvatsku, Hrvatsku nizašto!

    Josip Ćuk

    Još jednom srdačna hvala na mnogim tvojim čvrhunskim člancima, a pogotovo na ovome članku gdje izvrstno ističeš: Croatia: Reconciliation Cannot Be Achieved With Denial Of Truth And Lacking Love For Nation Of People

    by inavukic

  3. I loved my visit to Croatia. I wish I had found your blog before I went so that I could understand the history of your country better.

  4. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

  5. Draga uzor Hrvatice, zaista ste Vi uzor Hrvatice koja iznaša istinu o pravu Hrvatskog Naroda o njegovoj borbi za Oslobodjenje Hrvatske, u ovome slučaju, samo Republike Hrvatske, ali je to svakako pobjda Hrvatskog Naroda nad velikosrbskim osvajačima, fašistima, nacistima I, komunistima I najposlije i nad takozvanim jugoslavenima.

    Srdačan pozdrav, puno Vam hvala i sve najbolje!

    Sve za Hrvatsku Hrvatsku nizašto
    Jozo Ćuk

  6. Thank you for publishing this. It is important that you let the world know what really happened.


  1. […] Published: Aug.09: 2020: Croatia: Reconciliation Cannot Be Achieved With Denial Of Truth And Lacking Love For Nation Of Peopl… […]

  2. […] Croatia: Reconciliation Cannot Be Achieved With Denial Of Truth And Lacking Love For Nation Of … […]

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