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Croatia: Joint Movement of Good – A Refreshing Force for EU Parliament Elections


Croatia will become the 28th member state of the European Union on 1st July this year – it will enter an established “international club” and it will strive to positively contribute to the life and the future of this “club”.

The Croatian Democratic Centre party (DC) had invited a group of distinguished Croatian citizens, who have excelled in the creation, defence and work for Croatia, regardless of any political party affiliations they may have, or not have, regardless of their political activities, to be candidates from EU Parliament elections.

Good, diligent and capable people exist. The system needs to facilitate and enable the expression of their activities, and DC has achieved this by compiling a list of independent citizens into its List of Candidates for the 14 April EU Parliament elections to be held in Croatia and its diplomatic missions abroad.

These are their Values, who they are and what they propose.

Our Values of Good:

•    All that is morally correct and just, is Good
•    Croatia is Good because it arose from the expressed will of the majority of its citizens
•    The civilisation of Good is the only path and it is possible
•    The civilisation of Evil is no longer possible
•    The Joint Movement of Evil had defined the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague
•    We have realised Joint Movements of Good – through our will, knowledge, networking and actions
•    Good is the awakening of the will to do and spread the good, to foster knowledge, to join people, act and transcend the good – excel in the good
•    Our truth binds knowledge, beauty, experience and faith into the joint movement of good and builds a civilisation of good
•    We reject political and religious dualism, the division into good and evil
•    There is only one God – People create the Universal Good, either individually or jointly, where all are equal and all alone are weak, transient and sinful
•    We support freedom, democracy and human dignity for all
•    There are no superior people, no inferior people and no inhuman people
•    Europe, Croatia, all states and all the people of Europe, need and want a better world
•    Through vision of the Good, we apply ourselves and actively create a better world for Europe, Croatia, States and people

Support the Joint  Movement of Good

•    Every one of us (the EU Parliament candidates of the Joint Movement of Good) can and will represent our proposals because we have become Good People through our past work and actions
•    If no one from this List is elected, every Good person from other lists can represent these proposals
•    If no one from Croatia wants to represent them, any other Good person can represent them, any representative from another European country can represent them
•    If no member of the European Parliament wants to represent them, every European Good person can represent them, regardless of his/her gender, nationality, age, religion, political persuasion …
•    Visions should be expressed in words, join people and realised through actions
•    Calls for help to Dubrovnik, to the hospital in Nova Bila, Help for the Elderly after the Operation Storm, Peaceful Reintegration and others, were conversions of words into actions.

Matthew 25:40: “Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me!
Today they are the unemployed, the young who lack the courage to have children.

The Candidates of the Joint Movement of Good for EU Parliament elections, 14 April 2013: 
All the candidates have through their own actions demonstrated that they are Good people, in the creation and the defence of Croatia, and in their own personal careers to date.
Each one of them can enrich the future of Europe with Croatia and Croatia with Europe.
All can successfully represent Croatia before the European Parliament and across Europe.
Each one of them is, in his or her specific knowledge, experience and work, irreplaceable.

Slobodan Lang
Born 1945 in Zagreb; Professor of Public Health in Croatia and the world; Performed at highest state, parliamentary and diplomatic functions; President of network of healthy cities;
Prominent veteran and humanitarian; Published several books, scientific and other works;
Medical doctor; Believes in God, loves people and searches for the Good – everything else is less important

Aida Cvjetković
Born 1949, Island of Sipan; Called upon the women of Dubrovnik to remain in the city during its siege in 1991; Docoral disseratation under heading “Dubrovnik shipowner Frederiko Glavic”; leading professional in Tourism

Vida Demarin
Born 1944 in Zagreb; University Professor of Neurology; 2011 Woman of the Year; An Academic; Leading world professional in Neurology; Significantly contributed to the prevention of stroke

Darko Dovranić
War TV correspondent, film director; Directed several films on the defence of Croatia; President Assembly of war correspondents of Croatian radio and television;
Again, the truth becomes the main criterion according to which we must live”:
During the aggression we were guided by the idea that only truth can save us. However, today we have forgotten the truth and a great deal remains unsaid, and the situation is so hard that a person cannot move away from his own problems, let alone worry about someone else’s problems”.

Joško Juvančić
Joško Juvančić – Jupa born in Dubrovnik 1936; Legendary and very distinguished Croatian film and theatre director; Dean of Academy and especially active in Dubrovnik Summer Festival; Awarded with numerous distingushed awards and recognition, among them are Nazor Award, Dubravko Dujsin Award, and several awards by the Croatian Association of Theatre Artists; Irreplaceable in depiction of Croatian culture

Dragan Milanović
Born 1946, in Gospic. Graduated from High School and Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb; Played for 10 years as professional football payer for FC Lokomotiva and FC Zagreb; Adviser to Croatian government 2000 in Donji Lapac, Licko-senjska county;
Worked alone for eight years in the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade; exceptional skills in communication, information and team work

Branko Pek
Born 1952 in Podrute
Leading member of the organisation for Croatian refugees and returnees since early 1990’s
Knows more than anyone else in the world about the persecution of Croats and their return to their Home.

Danijel Rehak
President of Croatian Association of Detainees in Serb Concentration Camps (HDLSKL).
He emphasised that about 30,000 Croatian detainees were held in Serb concentration camps, of which there were 70. “About three hundred of the detainees were killed in the camps and about 2,400 considered as missing”; the truth about the camps has not been fully considered

Tibor Santo
Born 1954 in Zdenci. A Hungarian
Specialist in public health
Has been a member of parliament in Croatia and the president of the parliamentary club on national minorities
Fighter for health from his youth to today, in war and in peace

Vjera Katalinić
PhD in musicology, Vienna, 1999
Editor-in-chief of the Journal Arti musices (1999-2006) and several proceedings
Organised several international and national musicological symposia
Scientific advisor and director of the Dep’t for the History of Croatian Music, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. Part-time associate professor of the Dep’t of Musicology, Music Academy of Zagreb University. Author of books and scientific papers published in Croatia, European countries and USA. Participant in domestic and international scientific projects.
Ina Vukić
Born 1949 in Zrnovo, Island of Korcula. Left Yugoslavia in 1962.
A professor and master of psychology.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of services for people with disabilities and mental health difficulties in northern Sydney area.
Recipient in 1995 of Croatian medals of honour “Commemorative medal of war remembrance” and “Order of Croatian trefoil”; From Australia, since 1990 to today, she defends and builds Croatia, every day; of recent Wikipedia has included her opinions (the only ones from Croatia), as human rights activist, into its article on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Petar Bašić
Born 1971 in Slavonski Brod
A Historian and Secretary of DC (Democratic Centre Party)

Proposals of the Good:

I.    To the European Parliament/Union

1.    Committee on full employment
2.    Committee on demographic Health (birth, family, the aged, living arrangement)
3.    Sustainable development (the country that proposes a sustainable development – democratic + economic + ecological + human rights), to be freed from debt within European Union countries
4.    Establishment of European forces of good (humanitarian, educational, work actions …)
5.    Adoption of the Romani as a nation of people of Europe (not only minorities in different countries)
6.     European conference about good

II.    To Croatia
1.    Nora’s conference on experimental therapy in Croatia
2.    Protection of Croatian “peasant women” (kumica) and farm produce markets (advice of the respectable)
3.    Franjo’s fund for superior international education of successful students
4.    Book “A Righteous War”
5.    Conference on Croatian future (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, minorities, émigrés and invited internationally)

III To Respecting the Good – History and Dignity

1.    Commemorating the significant places where good was done
2.    The Roads of Good
3.    Sign on houses of the righteous among nations (returning good people from the museums to be among the people – there are 20,000 of them from countries of the European Union)
4.     Jewish flag at half-mast in front of the European Union Parliament building (a sign of responsibility for small nations. The Holocaust had turned the Jews into minorities)
5.    Town and city squares dedicated to Victims (respecting the past and responsibility for the future)

Am so proud to be an active member of this Joint Movement of Good. Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)

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