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Croatian Campaign “Don’t Touch The Children” Goes Global



A logo of Croatian Citizens’ Initiative
“Don’t Touch The Children”

On April 23 of 2014 the United Nations granted special consultative status at the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC) to the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction.

It is held that this status gives the Kinsey Institute an important voice in global public policy. However, it is also held that the UN failed to examine either the scientific basis for the Kinsey Institute’s most fundamental research, nor to address its involvement in the criminal sexual abuse of infants and children.

Launching the global campaign
“Don’t Touch The Children”
in Croatia, May 2014
From left: Borna Jurcevic from Croatian
Citizens’ Initiative “Don’t Touch The Children”
with dr. Judith Reisman and Timothy Tate
Photo: CI “Don’t Touch The Children”

American scholar dr. Judith Reisman and British journalist, filmmaker and long-standing researcher into the works of Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute Timothy Tate were present with Croatian journalist Karolina Vidovic-Kristo at the press conference at Zagreb airport on Monday 26 May 2014 to mark the launch of the Croatian citizens initiative for the global campaign “Don’t Touch The Children”. Timothy Tate, in the video release of the press conference embedded in this article below, said:

Timothy Tate

Last month the UN, an organisation founded on and dedicated to human rights, granted to the Kinsey Institute the status of official accreditation. Why does that matter? It matters because it gives the Kinsey Institute official recognition and a seat at the table where policy, global policy is made; policy about the law, policy about sex, policy above all about the children.

Why is it wrong for Kinsey to be there?

Because this is an organisation founded on crimes. Founded on crimes against the most vulnerable in society – the children. It’s an organisation, which has refused to apologise for or to walk away from its crimes. And it’s an organisation, which continues to make money from the reports of those crimes. How can the most important human rights organisation in the world allow an institute founded on the crimes, founded on the pain and the tears of hundreds of children, how can it be granted the honour, the importance and the power of accreditation.

Today, here in Croatia, we’re beginning a campaign to demand that the UN re-examines its decision to grant that accreditation.

Why Croatia?

Because this country alone in the world for the first time in 70 years last year stood up to the power of the Kinsey Institute. No other country has ever taken a stand against Kinsey. You did it. That is why this resolution, this initiative starts here.

I hope over the next few days Croatia’s voice will ring out across the world. And it will be heard I hope, by those in the UN who made that decision to grant the Kinsey Institute that accreditation. But over the coming days you may hear allegations that this campaign is not about the protection of the children, or about the UN or about the Kinsey Institute, you may hear allegations and claims that it’s a campaign of homophobia, it’s a campaign by right-wing people or religious activists. Those allegations are lies. I have no religion, I have been and remained a left-wing socialist and for more than almost forty years I have campaigned for equal rights for gay and straight people. This campaign in this brave country is about demanding change. It’s about demanding that the world’s most vital, most important human rights organisation holds an inquiry into the Kinsey Institute and the crimes it committed and those that continue to profit from and above all it’s a campaign for the children abused by the Kinsey’s pedophiles and for the victims of child sexual abuse everywhere. It starts today and it starts here.”




Dr. Judith Reisman

Dr. Judith Reisman, for this occasion, led a prayer in Zagreb 27 May: “Let us pray, for and the victims, the children and the infants who were abused by Kinsey and his associates for the purpose of so called science, for initiating and conducting a fair criminal procedure against Kinsey’s institute and true facts about the Kinsey Institute and its influence on sex education, to be revealed to the public for the presidents of 192 UN member states to be wise and bold when they receive the resolution, which will be sent from this place for the Kinsey Institute to be expelled from the UN membership, to be closed and its so-called science to be declared null and void, for the current so-called sex education to be abolished in Croatia and globally”. After the prayers the Judith Reisman Resolution was read out and it states:
“All of us, citizens of the world,
all of us, regardless of the age, nationality, ideology, faith, colour of the skin, political option, regardless of all the rest – we stand united against the criminal act of pedophilia.

We therefore address you, the presidents of the world states member countries and leaders of the UN:
Ban the Kinsey Institute from the UN.

The Kinsey Institute and its founder Alfred Kinsey incited and paid pedophiles to abuse children. All this has been proved, yet never prosecuted and no one has ever been sentenced.

The Institute, which along with its activities abused children and infants must be investigated, prosecuted and sentenced; it must not be a member of any human organization whose imperative is the welfare of man.

According to its own charter and respecting the general human need for protection of children and processing the criminal acts we appeal to the UN to ban the Kinsey Institute from its membership.

To this resolution we enclose the evidence (PDF) of monstruous acts of Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute and encourage the UN to initiate also the legal prosecution of the Kinsey Institute according to its authority”.



Croatia, with its distinguished journalist and recipient of the Howard Center/World Congress of Families Global Leadership Award Karolina Vidovic – Kristo has in this “Don’t Touch The Children” campaign become the leader of the global movement against the Kinsey Institute.

Karolina Vidovic-Kristo

One cannot but marvel at Vidovic-Kristo’s tenacity and steadfastness in her path to contribute to the global endeavours to protect the children from being exposed in schools to teachings that are based on the work of Alfred Kinsey; the research work that evidently sexually abused children and infants. For her determination to show the Croatian public the truth about the research done by Kinsey and his associates she has suffered greatly, to say the least her popular TV show “Portraits of Croatia” was axed in 2013 after she presented the truth about Kinsey and was suspended from her job on Croatian government controlled TV station HRT. Not one to be easily intimidated (as it should be with all who fight the good fight for human rights), she kept up with her work in exposing Kinsey’s work and, indeed, her claims that Croatia’s school sex education program was based on Kinsey’s research and pedophilia. The sex education program (mind you, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic sat on the curriculum board!) divided the nation in 2013 and eventually the Constitutional court abolished in May 2013 the sex education program as it stood. It was back to the drawing board on the sex education program, but not far enough as traits of and persons associated with Kinsey’s research still linger in the realm of sex education. Saturday 28 June, the Croatian portal Dnevno reported that Croatian HRT TV had banned Vidovic-Kristo from giving or speaking out her personal views and opinions in public! At the beginning of June, Vidovic-Kristo was filmed for a talk-back private TV Show “Visible Traces” in which she appeared as a private person, a mother – talking about Kinsey and sex education and the need for the protection of children, but Croatia’s HRTV made moves to place an injunction against the televising of the show; the show was nevertheless televised in last week of June.


Croatian HRT television is funded by the taxpayers of Croatia, both through the state budget and from monthly citizen subscription fees and since it seems to be a law unto itself (communist leaning, to boot) I hope a new citizens’ action arises that will see to a change of the station’s leadership and freedom of speech and truth. Croatia at this moment seems to be a place where journalists are ostracized, suspended, gagged, threatened…if they dare to speak some truths and express concerns which touch the nation or a great deal of the community, when that truth does not agree with those in power.

The “Don’t Touch The Children” campaign seems to me a most worthy global campaign for children everywhere are abused and/or exposed to education programs that could easily be construed as some kind of grooming, be it succinct, indirect or direct, of future pedophiles, sexual abusers and predators; weakening defense mechanisms against abuse and thereby setting a stage for victims of the future. Indeed, not only journalists but all of us have a civic duty in ensuring that our children are protected from that which endangers their moral and physical well-being and with which their developing minds cannot fully deal.

It’s up to all of us, around the globe, to make a difference in our children’s, our grandchildren’s future and the least we can do as citizens of the world is to write to our countries’ Presidents or Prime Ministers and inquire as to what they intend to do about the UN’s decision to grant accreditation to the Kinsey Institute. Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A.,M.A.Ps. (Syd)

Further recommended material:
BRIEF The Kinsey Institute Exposed (PDF)
27 May 2014 Lecture and Panel discussion in Zagreb with dr Judith Reisman, Timothy Tate and Thomas Hampson (an investigator) VIDEO:


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