Croatian Presidential Elections Set Dead-Heat Conditions For January Run-off

Photo: Screenshot from Croatian Electoral Commission website accessed 29 Dec 2014

Photo: Screenshot from Croatian
Electoral Commission website
accessed 29 Dec 2014


The Social Democrat and left wing coalition backed incumbent, Ivo Josipovic, and the conservative rival backed by the Croatian Democratic Union/HDZ and its coalition, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, are heading for a showdown in a run-off presidential election on January 11 in Croatia. The latest unofficial results published (1.00 a.m. on 29 December Croatia time) by the Croatian Electoral Commission, with 99.89% votes counted, place Ivo Josipovic at 38.48%, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic at 37.18%, Ivan Sincic at 16.43% and Milan Kujundzic at 6.30% of votes counted. With such close results it seems impossible to predict the winner among the top two candidates at the second round elections on January 11, which must be held given that no candidate passed the 50% mark in first round held on 28 December.

The voter turnout at around 47% or 1,786,670 can be considered as large, however notably lower than in elections held during the era of  Franjo Tudjman in 1990’s and somewhat lower than in last elections of 2009/10. One polling place was closed due to weather conditions and serious snow-blizzards. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic led in 13 districts with Croatia and in the diaspora while Ivo Josipovic led in 7 districts and the city of Zagreb. Croatian media reports that the biggest surprise in this first round of elections is the higher than expected voter confidence given to Ivan Sincic, a Eurosceptic, but also, lower than expected given to Milan Kujundzic, right-wing politician.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic at post-election gathering in Zagreb Photo:

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic
at post-election gathering in Zagreb


Grabar-Kitarovic, assistant secretary general for the NATO on leave without pay, and a former foreign minister of Croatia, has throughout her campaign called for closer cooperation with the government on economic issues and often reiterated the role of the President to hold the government to account, the role at which Josipovic has failed miserably during his current mandate as President of Croatia.

Croatian news agency HINA reported that soon after the announcement of the above unofficial results Grabar-Kitarovic congratulated all the candidates, especially Milan Kujundzic and Ivan Sincic and turned to “Josipovic voters” telling them that they too are a part of her program “For a Better Croatia”:
You and the whole of Croatia deserve a better and a more prosperous Croatia that believes in its own resources and in its own people,” she said and pointed out that the voters who gave their votes to Kujundzic and Sincic have shown that they want a better and a more just Croatia that cares about every single person. She said that there will be no more divisions into “ours and theirs” after 11 January and the togetherness championed by Croatia’s first president Franjo Tudjman in 1990’s will be revived.

Ivo Josipovic at post-election gathering in Zagreb 28 Dec 2014 Photo: Screenshot

Ivo Josipovic at post-election
gathering in Zagreb 28 Dec 2014
Photo: Screenshot

Soon after the unofficial election results were published Ivo Josipovic also addressed the Croatian citizens saying that he won in the first round and will win in the second.

“…We have won because my program offers a different Croatia to the one we have today, it offers one with more democracy, with more human rights, the one that opens new perspectives and the one that builds the economy which will not have so many unemployed, and the one in which the traditions and the values of Croatian society will be respected,” he said.

He emphasised that the motto of his politics is justice! And yet, he has the gall to brand all members of his opposition as those who have thieved Croatia even though only a handful of individual past HDZ government leaders/government functionaries have been indicted or brought to justice for corruption and – even though a handful of Social Democrat aligned politicians are currently entangled in court proceedings for corruption or investigations for corruption!

The man and the politician – Josipovic – is a joke! He tries to reassure the public of justice and yet in this important case he blatantly practices – none!

He is a lawyer by trade and yet paints everyone in an organisation guilty of acts secretly committed only by one or few!

And one must ask: what in the world has Josipovic been doing the past five years as President if only now he promises justice and greater human rights and more employment…? He did, after all, base his 2010 campaign on the same slogan “Justice for Croatia”!

The coming two weeks are bound to shape the results of showdown run-off second round voting 11 January. The results between the two leading candidates are too close and the scales could tip over either way. Depending on how strong the need for change is etched on voters’ minds and hearts. Josipovic’s 38.48% first round result certainly suggests that the need for change is strong as it is actually this need for change in Croatian leadership that is the first round winner – not Josipovic, as he would like to think. While Stjepan Mesic (ex-president) has said during Josipovic’s post-vote gathering that Sincic “can freely ask his voters to support Josipovic in the second round” one wonders as to how much a single candidate or two (Sincic/Kujundzic) can actually influence the decisive vote on 11 January. By all indications these Croatian voters are voters for change, non-aligned with the two top candidates (Josipovic and Grabar-Kitarovic) in the first round of voting and it will be up to the candidates to convince these “runaway” voters to vote to their advantage. Indeed, a strong impetus must be maintained in order to encourage these voters to vote at all.

When it comes to voters living abroad, the diaspora, there is no doubt that both Stjepan Mesic and Ivo Josipovic have managed to solidify the atrocious situation in which the right to vote has been alarmingly diminished by the reduction of the number of polling places where émigrés can vote. The polling places have been limited to diplomatic-consular missions’ addresses and this has resulted in the sad and enraging effects where diplomatic-consular staff are/were unwilling to ensure fair access to polling places by organising more than one in a country or state (depending on the number of missions). As there is no postal or electronic voting, the majority of those with a right to vote have been kept out of voting – it was only during the times of Franjo Tudjman, 1990’s, that polling places for all elections for Croatia (parliamentary and presidential) were organised in optimally adequate places accessible to a greater majority of voters, e.g. Clubs or other organisations where émigrés largely gravitated to. After that time, the Croatian diplomatic-consular missions across the world had ensured that the number of polling places was reduced to an absolute minimum and thus, not at all reasonably or fairly accessible to most. One of the President’s key roles is associated with decisions regarding the operational matters of diplomatic-consular missions abroad – and here too Josipovic has failed those Croatians citizens abroad! He talks of justice and rights but so easily takes, obstructs or minimises both! What is even worse is that polling places in the diaspora are construed as matters of state authorities rather than a matter of the Electoral Commission, which in legal terms is an independent (of government or presidency) body.  Croatian democracy, if it’s to survive and evolve further, is so desperately ready for change in leadership! Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)


  1. What a lying, disgraceful, inhumane scum this Josipovic is. How can anyone with half a brain trust him to change things for the better when he’s done nothing in the past five years? I surely hope Croats open their eyes ASAP, else we really do have a country full of fools who think doing the same thing over and over again will bring change. I know it is difficult to get out of an apathetic mindset, to get everyone out of the “Yugo” mindset, but this can’t go on. No, Kolinda is not perfect (if she was she’d be a saint not a politician ;)) but a change is needed. At the very least, she seems to have a solid background for good diplomatic relations which would make for representing Croatia well in the world. Josipovic failed at that too. A change is necessary, but it should be regarded as only the beginning – people still cannot sit back and leave their destiny in the hands of government, they must keep pushing for change, as much as any true statesman would. It needs to be a cooperation between the will of the people and their leader/s, and in the last five years we have not seen that with Josipovic and SDP, and it will only get much, MUCH worse if they are allowed to thrive any longer and this scares me. The only thing I can say is, if people allow themselves to be lead blindly like lambs to the slaughter, the only thing that may spark any change for good is protests and more organisations like Stožer za Obranu Hrvatskog Vukovara from those that do care about their destiny. (Or we get on our knees and beg Germany to just take and keep every communist they’re currently after and then some, legal process be damned. ;)).

    Jokes aside, I have often felt ashamed at how little Croats seem to understand their role in the democratic process, but I do believe that in recent times there has been at least a slightly more open push for change. We have seen the Stožer za Obranu Hrvatskog Vukovar and U Ime Obitelji. Now whether you liked the results of that particular referendum U Ime Obitelji was all about or not, what it showed was Croats actually acting out their duties as citizens and this is important. (Besides, the decision of the referendum did not stop all progress towards recognising same-sex partnerships.) The point I want to make by bringing this up is that too often, leftist career-politicians like Josipovic and his ilk use their stance on such social matters as a means of winning over less socially conservative voters. But they don’t do it because they care about you. It’s vote-grabbing. Young people tend to be more socially liberal and young people in Croatia are still suffering. It may be tempting for some voters to vote for the so-called “progressive”, but keep in mind such people have not made life better for MOST Croats in these five years, regardless of their “agreement” with your worldviews. What Croatia needs is a realistic mindset when it comes to economic issues and diplomatic matters, it needs someone to put the interests of ALL Croats first, someone who will remain open-minded towards those Croats who disagree with their worldviews and not sling mud, create discord and an “us vs them” mentality. Someone who can bring unity, and then open and honest discussion on social matters can follow. I hope voters who may be on the fence will open their eyes to this, for their own good.

    Don’t be naive and think the President doesn’t hold much power – if they didn’t, the position wouldn’t exist. And keep in mind Kolinda’s words to “Josipovic voters” – this is the mindset that we need in a leader. We cannot expect perfection from her and like with any politician, we must always have our eyes open and hold them accountable for their mistakes, but like I said…you cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect things to change. (Well they will change in that everything will get worse). You need a different approach and this is critical for Croatia right now, so I truly wish that people would not be discouraged if their chosen candidate did not make it and vote for change, because even a small change can spark something bigger, but the more you dig yourself into the mud the harder and harder it is to get out. I just want things to improve for everyone in Croatia, I want the red-tainted blinders taken off forever.

  2. I read in the Croatian press that Josip Leko, president of Croatian parliament, said that he expects of the new president to understand Croatia’s past and to have a vision for Croatia’s future. Oh man, what’s there to understand: only those behind Josipovic and Josipovic himself need to understand Croatia’s past and bring communist crimes to justice, not thwart it as in the case of “Lex Perkovic” where they tried to stop the extradition of the alleged communist criminals (Perkovic and Mustac) to Germany. The only understanding Croatia needs is to stop protecting the totalitarianism of former Yugoslavia and how to employ the wealth of knowledge and will that people have for a better future. Ivo Josipovic suffers from short-term memory loss and forgets he peddled “justice” only five years ago, which got him into office – did nothing really, except obstructed justice and is still doing that by accusing all members of HDZ (there are more than 200,000) as thieves because its ex-leaders Sanader is behind bars for corruption. Croatia get your act together and get rid of Josipovic who as politician is obviously so very rotten to the core.

  3. Nobody from the Balkans can write a short, concise comment that gets right to the point. It has to go on and on….ko muzika guslara….

    • Perhaps, you’ll be proven wrong, James Mason,

    • James Mason bug off! Would this be adequately short & concise? For as much as you would like it Croatia is not, has never been and never will be a part of the Balkans as you call it, but your comment though transpires some of the typical balkanish vulgarity. In Croatia we do not have gusle, that belongs to your otadzbina, in Croatia there is vino i gitare.

      • Zoran Nosic says:

        Sadly, you insult a great number of Croatians from Hercegovina where the gusle is a national instrument of Croatian culture and history in the region.

        The geographic reality is such and we can not escape it. It would be nice to escape the Balkan mentality though. 😉

      • Zoran Nosic, those Croats from Herzegovina who are real Croats and not just ‘rvatine when it suits them will surely not be offended, geographic reality is Mediterraneam and Mittel Europe(Central Europe), and vino i gitare is the VERY essence of Terram Croaticum (et Catholicum), it is the only TRUE, REAL and FACTUAL reality and if you have ever seen any of the croatian cities along the coast or in the inlands it doesen’t need further explanation of what i have just stated, not to mention the croatian history and culture. so to those of you who mentally, psycologically and intellectually struggle to accept it and come to terms with it after 50yrs of yugo-serbian brainwash i have little else to say as they will always turn the truth upsidedown as suits them and misuse the words and the facts; but that was the main ideology of the above mentioned tyranny so i just pray that one day you might find yourselves free from these shallow yugo-comunist lies.

    • James — budi dobar. Is this the famous James Mason war photographer? ha ha
      Kak si kaj?
      Trazu te u Vitezu ! ;+)
      Ina – excellent point re. voting in the diaspora. It’s shameful. If you live in one part of Canada or the US you need to board a plane to vote. Shameful. Many other diaspora communities have better access for voters to cast their ballots AND more parliamentary representation. In our sabor there are more Cetnik representatives and ‘minorities’ represented than Croats abroad, particularly those in BiH. I am praying that Kolinda wins in a few days. Croatians deserve better than this.

  4. It’s profoundly disappointing that Jugosipovic got more than 1 vote (his own). The man and his party the SDP are wholly ineffective, incompetent and arrogant. The poor mislead and misguided people of Croatia. How could anyone look at the past five years and in any way say I want another five years of Ivo Jugosipvic? Demand more; demand better. Hold your politicians accountable. Do not reward an inept President for his failure and arrogance with another term. Croatians deserves better. It is beyond me what Yugosipovic can offer Croatia when he failed so miserably; the only thing he can offer is an apology and his resignation – if he had any character and well meaning toward Croatians that is what he should do.

    • Don’t think we’ll see Josipovic giving up all on his own – the man is blind and full of his own importance – the people must show him the way out so let’s hope 11 January will bring just that.

    • Of course he got more than one vote, Sunman. There’s still lots of Yugonostalgic traitors in our country, not to mention very easily manipulated, “HDZ robbed us!” type of voters. Croatian media is AWFUL and people are easily manipulated. I’ve seen the same crap even in Western media, the same dirty tactics used, but it is crucial that Croats get past that see things how they really are. Josipovic and SDP have done NOTHING positive for the nation in five years, only a fool makes the same choice expecting a different outcome. Kolinda and HDZ may be imperfect, but as the saying goes, you work with what you’ve got. That’s what Croats must do – vote for change and work with what they’re given, it’s the only way out.

      Don’t expect an apology from dear President…if Croatian media reports are anything to go by, he has now officially become a Croatian patriot who cares about those who spilled their blood for the country – truly a miracle, isn’t it?

  5. ..this is your LAST chance Croatia!!!!!!!

    ..if he wins this time around, the Croats better have their baggage packed and have their houses and property for SALE!
    …the Serbians are just waiting to WALK right in!

  6. How interesting to learn about the state of affairs and Josipovic, Ina. Thank you for educating so many.

  7. Reblogged this on IdealisticRebel's Daily View of Favorites.

  8. I am home again and I am delighted that there will be an election. I hope it will be a fair and just election and the people receive the leader they deserve. I hope you had a good holiday and that you had family to share it with. Hugs, Barbara

  9. Jason Bertovic says:

    I was expecting Josipovic to have one the first round of voting with a larger margin based on recent opinion polls but I for one am very glad that Kolinda’s first round votes were as high as what they are. I don’t know enough about Croatian politics however, I understand that Josipovic’s cruel leadership has done nothing to progress Croatia into the 21st century, besides their accession into the EU. I for one can’t fathom how blind some of these voters are. I live in Australia and if my government were leading my country and had run up 5 years of recession, I would be demanding for change. How can these delusional voters vote for a ‘leader’ who has kept a country in 5 years of dark recession. With falling labor wages and lower salaries coupled with increased cost of living, why are voters voting for a repeat of failure? Here in Australia, I’m proud that Kolinda received over 88% of votes. I’m hopeful for a HDZ win!

    • It seems obvious majority want change in Croatia, Jason – it’s a matter of the ones who vote for Josipovic to admit it to themselves rather than pushing the same old ineffective politics. Josipovic cannot really be credited for Croatia’s EU membership as the path to it started quite a few years before him and he just happened to be the president when it occurred. Mind you he failed to acknowledge those who did a great deal of work to achieve it – typical of a self-loving and self-serving politician

  10. my candidate was Ivan Sincic. Jeste li vidjeli karikaturu koja prikazuje Kolindu kao Mariju, Josipovića kao Josipa, Sinčića kao djetešce, a Kujundžića kao pastira 🙂

    • Translation of part of Vesna’s comment: ” did you see the cartoon which portrays Kolinda as Mary, Josipovic as Joseph, Sincic as baby Jesus and Kujundzic as shepherd” –
      REPLY: No Vesna I haven’t seen the cartoon and if I did I would be revolted but then again it could not have been a Christian who drew such a cartoon, to ridicule the Holy Family.. or Christmas Day – it must have been someone who votes for Josipovic or supports the “still-Reds” (?). Sincic had a couple of good issues in his election platform however it was obvious that they were still raw and not considered how they could practically be achieved. I thought he presented well at a couple of instances but all my respect for him vanished when on HRT news I heard him say that he would not be voting in second round and if he did he would make his vote invalid. That is terrible! That is irresponsible and confirms my view he is not ready for leadership in a democracy by a long shot. He as someone who aspires to political leadership in a democracy must not speak like that for it is destructive of democratic process for which he says he stands. He should have said that he stood for change and people who want change should vote for it so that it succeeds.

      • I am sorry Ina if I offended your christian beliefs, I like jokes and I think that firm truths can not be offended by laughter. And as about Sincic, we all know he is not ready for leadership, but he represents the only movement that trully helps the most humiliated strata of our people. If you lived in croatia, and were in danger of loosing your home, jobless etc, just because Josipovic, kolinda and the likjes robbed everything they could – maybe you would think differently. If not, I apologize again,

      • Oh Vesna, no need to apologise, I was not offended, I just think it’s very bad taste for that cartoon and it would have offended many practicing Christians in Croatia. I do follow event in Croatia daily and have close contacts and travel etc – Croatia is not the only country where people lose their homes because they cannot pay off loans etc – Croatia is not the only country where unemployment is large, as to corruption it was widespread in Yugoslavia and it continued after it – small to large thieves – but Kolinda or Josipovic cannot be blamed for the thieving of others (thieving was usually personal i.e. for personal gain) – I find it offensive when people label the whole organisation or party as thieves because some individuals in it are. Sincic voiced ideas of many, I too agreed with a great deal of what he said about the issues but many times he was also unrealistic about matters…if someone for instance took a personal loan and cannot pay it off that is something many go though there, in the West everywhere – what Sincic needs is ways to solve the problems on a lasting trail not momentarily and he does not seem to have what it takes. If he or any other politician succeed in confiscating the ill-gotten wealth of people through corruption and putting it into state budgets and revenue I will be the first to clap and cheer.

      • i wrote a reply and i lost it somewhere:( I ll do it again: I agree with you totally. I would like to explain myself better: do you know who would be my ideal presidential candidate if only she wanted to candidate: Ruza Tomasic, brave, honest, clever, devoted to Croatia. But I think she is a good example of a person, a Croat who lived abroad, im+n emmigration, and idealized the situation here, but when she saw what’s goind on here, and all under tha proud flag of patria – she was disappointed… Of course, corrpotion was flowering in Yugoslavia, but that doesn opravdava ove sad lopove 🙂

      • Don’t need to explain yourself, Vesna, everyone has a right to their own opinion and I respect that. I do not agree with the trends of branding everyone a thief because some are! That is just not fair and people have a right to not be called thieves if they themselves did not do it. As to Ruza Tomasic, she’s OK but I know of many that are better politicians – she has a strong voice however the trail of action is weak…if one lives in diaspora it does not mean they do not live “in” and ‘For” Croatia – perhaps in many cases more than those living within it. These days the communication is so instant and rich that it doesn’t matter where one lives as long as one contributes.

      • and the title of the sketchs was Sincic is born, nothing hellish
        and I will be honest with you -. I will also not vote on the 11th, i am sick of croatian politicians, either red or blue, they allk care about only one thing money

      • Re voting that is where much of democracy fails in Croatia – I get the feeling that people think their role ends with voting – No: the role starts then because in a democracy people can bring changes through approaching their members of parliament etc. If you or anyone do not vote you have no right to complain as you are not part of the process. I think Croatia has many young people who are capable, many much more probably than Sincic…that is the reality and such people must take part in encouraging people to vote because eventually changes only occur through votes or revolution, and the latter is quite unlikely any time soon.

      • Zoran Nosic says:

        Sretna Nova Godina svima posebno tebi Ina. Ja se slažem s tobom za Sinčića. Naivan, sebičan i antidemocrat se prekazao na kraju.
        Jednosmjerna politika nema mjesto na državnom nivou po mom mišljenju.

        Čak sam čuo da su otkrili jednu osobu poznatu kao anarhist i “hacker” koji je Sinčićev savjetnik koji upravo vuče konce. Možete nešto o tome malo mi razjasniti? Tko je taj “stidni” čovjek? Bok i “hladni” pozdravi iz Kanade!

      • Translation of comment by Zoran Nosic: “Happy New Year to all and especially to you Ina. I agree with what you re Sincic. Naive, selfish and anti-democrat is what he appeared as at the ends. One-way politics have no place at state level, I think.
        I’ve even heard that a person known as an anarchist and “a hacker” was found to be Sincic’s adviser who pulls the strings. Can you explain anything about that? Who is that “shy” man? God be with you and “chilly” regards from Canada.

        REPLY: Will try and find out more about this “adviser”, Zoran – sounds intriguing to say the least

      • Zoran Nosic says:

        Damn…I wrote a whole responce in Croatian. SORRY, will try and remember ENGLISH only!

      • All good – Zoran – I make a point of translating. The beauty of bilingualism 😀

    • It seems Vesna that Sincic and his followers are not that different from some political elites who have been hanging around for quite some time for he is likened to baby Jesus in that cartoon you mention as in Jesus is born. For the love of sanity! Give us a break! He seems to tow the line of “if you don’t vote for me don’t vote for anyone else”. That is a sad indictment for youth of Croatia that should be putting all faith into votes – do not forget in voting in democracy every vote is equally valued and equally important and the majority wins!

      • you should ask my youth, my own childrne, deprived of their elementary rights, and my soin, who is a student, a great one, wearing one and only trouser which I sowed (?) between the legs numerous times. I dont care about politics, I care about justice

  11. Whoo hoo! Come on Kolinda… you can do it! 😀

  12. Happy New Year, Ina.
    I hope you have a very good one!

    • Cheers, Donald! Have a great 2015 too!

      • I have it planned as a busy one. Check out my new site when you get the chance.

      • Will do – and also mine is shaping up to also be busy, busier than last one but I do not mind that, in fact I’d rather be busy than just floundering around…

      • Yes, indeed. That’s one of the things I admire about professor Chomsky. I think he has managed to pack four or five life-times into one. I hope he lives to be a hundred.

        I think he’s a good role model. I’ve been exhaustingly busy for weeks, putting in fourteen and sixteen hour days, at times. (If I knew my new project was going to be so all-consuming, I might not have started it. Now that it’s ready, though, I’m really excited about it. (Well, you’ll see whenever you can come over here.))

      • active mind and active body are things that make life worthwhile and I’m blessed I have them both – by age I should have retired months ago but no such thing in site to make myself busier I have a second “job” in evenings with all the writing, reading etc – so like you many hours filled. If health serves us we should be busy bees 😀

  13. Happy New Year! I have nominated you for a new Award — the Drum Beat award, by Sue Dreamwalker. Please pick up your award here:

  14. Michael Silovic says:

    While many great comments are attributed here we in the diaspora must work even harder to get the vote out at home and abroad for the second round. It is proven in any election that during a second round the return of voters to the poll are slightly less.If we want kolinda we all must work to get her elected by calling on everyone we know and using every contact to get people out to vote. Every media and social outlet that can be used by the public to promote Kolinda must be used. WE need to put our words into action. lets call everyone we can think of and ask them to bring a friend to vote.We have to be the voice for change in our homeland and encourage those back home not to give up.

  15. Ina you and your readers may be interested in the article below (see link) about the connection between the Ivo Josipovic the current communist President of Croatia and the influence of Serbia and Serbs in Croatia. This red star, yugo loving President (same red star that destroyed Vukovar and Dubrovnik) does not deserve a second term, he deserves jail for treason. What a nightmare Croatia has become under the neo-yugoslavs…we have been betrayed and hijacked. Here’s the article:

  16. inavukic,
    Keep up the good work!

    And keep the politicians ‘feet to the fire’.


  17. interesting reading of the following: (WARNING)

    ” THE DAILY CALLER” 02 January 2015


    ..if the above article is true, then Croatia will soon be destroyed!
    The brain-dead Croatian catholic priests should sound the warning, or their heads will soon be at the end of a stick!

  18. HRVAT iz Like says:

    Please Help Save Croatia !!!
    Spread the truth and help keep Croatia safe from those who seek to extinguish her freedom.
    TRUTH will always set us free and give hope to the preservation of LIBERTY.

    Click the English language link below and forward this email to as many people as possible:
    >>>Is Serbia Controlling Croatia By Blackmailing Its President?


  1. […] thought before the election results were close, at almost dead-heat or the narrowest of margins: Grabar-Kitarovic more than 50% and Ivo Josipovic […]

  2. […] thought before the election results were close, at almost dead-heat or the narrowest of margins: Grabar-Kitarovic more than 50% and Ivo Josipovic […]

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    Croatian Presidential Elections Set Dead-Heat Conditions For January Run-off – Croatia, the War, and the Future

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